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Reading in the Tao Te Ching is like contemplating clouds passing through mountains or storms pouring down the forest, the moon glowing in autumn or flowers blooming in spring. The evolution of all elements is infinite. Sometimes, the writing is as serene as a shooting star; other times, it is as rousing as tidal waves or earthquakes.
On the other side reading in the Bible:
When Adam and Eve were created and put in Paradise, who was it that ordered them: “Eat not of the Tree”, that they might not distinguish the evil from the good? Another fought against him and made them eat of the Tree. But what sort of God is this? First he envied Adam that he should eat from the tree of knowledge. And secondly he said, “Adam, where are you?” And God does not have foreknowledge, that is, since he did not know this from the beginning. And afterwards he said, “Let us cast him out of this place, lest he eat of the tree of life and live forever.” Surely he has shown himself to be a malicious envier. And what kind of a God is this?”


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