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The I CHING is a unique book in more ways than one: at the same time it is a book and a tool. A great of great wisdom about life which consists of achieving harmony of the individual with the changing flow of the universal currents. As an oracle book it provides an instrument to find this possible harmony, to obtain the right orientation. Every man has his TAO and the best for him is to follow it. The oracle puts you in place with the TAO of the universal laws ,and points to you your own tao. All taken from chinese wisdom. The text is from the beginning of the kingdom of the Chou Dynasty 1122 to 221 before our era. A quote from one of the sages (on his death bed) is saying that if he had more time he would spend it studying the I-Ching. There is an organised war going on in science between materialistic theory and anything that could be termed spiritual or metaphysical. For example, Masaru Emoto's research into the energetics of water, although supported by photographic evidence, has been scoffed at by mainstream science because he has asserted that humans affect their surroundings with their thoughts. The materialism or absolute scepticism of the scientific establishment is detrimental to any scientific inquiry that thinks outside the box. This mentality is interested in preserving funding for its own projects, those that will not rock the establishment.


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